

Console completer support.


ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentDelimiter The ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentDelimiter allows custom breaking up of a String into individual arguments in order to dispatch the arguments to the nested Completer
Completer A completer is the mechanism by which tab-completion candidates will be resolved. 
CompletionHandler Handler for dealing with candidates for tab-completion. 


AggregateCompleter Completer which contains multiple completers and aggregates them together. 
ArgumentCompleter A Completer implementation that invokes a child completer using the appropriate separator argument. 
ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter Abstract implementation of a delimiter that uses the isDelimiter(CharSequence, int) method to determine if a particular character should be used as a delimiter. 
ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList The result of a delimited buffer. 
ArgumentCompleter.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentDelimiter implementation that counts all whitespace (as reported by isWhitespace(char)) as being a delimiter. 
CandidateListCompletionHandler A CompletionHandler that deals with multiple distinct completions by outputting the complete list of possibilities to the console. 
EnumCompleter Completer for Enum names. 
FileNameCompleter A file name completer takes the buffer and issues a list of potential completions. 
NullCompleter Null completer. 
StringsCompleter Completer for a set of strings.